our values

What’s important to us.

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We are a church that has courage and resolve, that exercises faith and risks failure for the sake of the Gospel.  We want to position ourselves, so that we are always dependent on God’s power and grace. (Acts 4)



The greatest commandment according to Jesus is “to love God and love each other.”  We are a church that love God and every person no matter the cost. (Matthew 22)

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We worship a God who gives.  We are a community who are generous with our time, our talent and our treasure so that God’s kingdom can grow and advance here in Feltham. (Acts 2)


Someone once said, ‘intensity is not a fruit of the spirit’ and its true.  We are a family that laughs, dances and doesn’t take ourselves too seriously. (Psalm 126)


We have been created to create.  We are a church that makes space for creativity in worship, in mission and in life. (Ephesians 2)